Monday, February 9, 2009

My Top Ten Goals

1) To baby-sit and get money from it
2) Dance, sing and be a role model
3) Get along better with mom
4) To not be afraid of audiences
5) To have friends at my birthday
6) Not to fear everything at night
7) Improve my splits
8) Save money for a kitten and a puppy
9) To not say sorry


10) To meet President Barack Obama someday


Anonymous said...

Dearest Rosie Posie,
I think you have some really good goals! I love your honesty and ambition! I too need to write down my top ten goals and see if I can achieve them.
Good luck with your goals...I have faith that you will be successful.
We can encourage each other!
Love, Mamma Martinez

Anonymous said...

Hey Pumpkin,
How great it is that you have goals in life. I hope you keep a list of your goals so you can see how they change as you get older. Everyone should have goals to achieve.
Love and hugs,
Mamma and Papa White

Anonymous said...

Rose.....what great goals, I have faith that you will achieve everything in life that you seek out! You are already a role model to Malena and Colin...they have a very smart big sister.

We love you--Aunt Patti, and Uncle Buddy